Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Luke 6:23 (New International Version)

23"Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven.

What a great verse to start out the day with! We have everything to be joyful and thankful for. Life may feel like it's crashing down, that we can't stay on top of anything, yet we have respite in knowing that we are going to Heaven to spend an eternity with our Father and his Son.

Raising a family, working full time and then some, starting an addition, then launching a business- it's been easy enough to get discouraged and want to give up on any one of those things. Yet, that's what God has for us right now and we're to rejoice in the fact that we're to live with Him for eternity and let that joy flow out through all that we do. You know, be holy in all we do (got to get that in :). What a blessing to live in a county where, for now, we can live and worship as we please!